Today I learned
How to Manage Your Browser Tabs - You do not have a Tab Problem!
You will learn how to manage a lot of browser tabs the easy way and find everything in a breeze!
Hey, I am Andrej and I run this blog.
Today I learned
You will learn how to manage a lot of browser tabs the easy way and find everything in a breeze!
Weekly Musings
Blog and member statistics of April 2022.
Home Lab and Hardware
How to fix Synology DS415+ boot problem and the story behind that problem.
Weekly Musings
How to run your Ghost blog with docker-compose, set up Mailgun for mails, and stripe for paid subscriptions.
Migration of EliOra Tanzania, a Hugo project goes to Ghost.
Weekly Musings
Adding Patreon-style subscriptions to this blog. Additionally, recommend a podcast about Ghost.
How to reboot a server with Ansible when Python is not available and you have to use the raw command.
Today I learned
How to configure you .gitconfig to use different accounts for several git servers.
Weekly Musings
A small update on the pc-switch project. Teasing a website move for another project. A list of self-hosted platforms which make self-hosting easier with nice web interfaces.
Here I show you how I added proper labels to my pc-switch PCB.
Weekly Musings