Steam Deck and the Impact for Linux Desktop
The Steam Deck will sell millions and might have a really good impact for the Linux Desktop community.
The Steam Deck will sell millions and might have a really good impact for the Linux Desktop community.
How to run Minio S3 on the Odroid HC4 and use it for backups with restic.
Weekly Musings
Two new blog post about updating Ghost and installing Ubuntu on my Desktop. Found an awesome resource for learning docker and containers and an in depth article about Raspberry Pi SD Card corruption.
How to migrate the Ghost MySQL database collation from MySQL 5.7 default to MySQL 8.0 default.
Here is a collection of common tools and applications I regularly use on almost all of my Linux pcs.
Weekly Musings
One new blog post about the new PCB version of my pc-switch and the process of making it. A few thoughts on live coding on Twitch.
I have built a PCB and have documented my process as an absolute beginner in this field. The pc-switch can control your pc power switch, reset switch via Home Assistant and ESPHome.
Weekly Musings
Two new blog posts this week and I got my first PCB for the pc-switch. I also stumbled across a promising Rasperry Pi based NAS.
Here I describe the different problems Ansible and Terraform try to solve and which tool you should start with.
Today I learned
Fix windows lowering the game volume when using steam voice chat.
Weekly Musings
Raspberry Pi turns 10, CNCF Glossary, Solo Dev Planning Advice
I always forget the useful tools and links for creating content and blog posts. So here is a list of my used tools and sites.