Home Lab and Hardware
How to use PiKVM with an MSI Z690-A Board
How to fix PiKVM weird output issue with the MSI Z690-A Board.
Everything regarding my network infrastructure, gaming devices, laptops, etc.
Home Lab and Hardware
How to fix PiKVM weird output issue with the MSI Z690-A Board.
Home Lab and Hardware
Yak shaving continues. Replacing my SSDs in a BTRFS Raid.
Disk failure, BTRFS raid full, borked PiKVM. Everything you need on a Sunday!
My thoughs on first time using Proxmox. It is okay, but too much hacking on the host OS. I would not recommend it for new self-hosters, only when you need virtualization.
Home Lab and Hardware
Just a few long-term thoughts about the PiKVM.
Currently looking into how to make the pc-switch a real product. Additionally, there are some software updates for the pc-switch for ESPHome.
Home Lab and Hardware
A new 8-bay NAS case is on the market!
Is it worth running an ARM NAS in 2022? I have checked the market and found a few DIY ARM NAS solutions.
Home Lab and Hardware
How to fix Synology DS415+ boot problem and the story behind that problem.
Home Lab and Hardware
How to upgrade the OPNsense Firmware for PC Engine APUs.
Home Lab and Hardware
How to use all 8 drive bays in the SilverStone DS380B with a full-size HBA card for your SFF DIY NAS.
🚨The PokyPow prelaunch page is live! Sign up there for stock updates at Crowdsupply. A friend recently asked me, if I know a smart home switch that runs 5V and it is pretty small. His use case was to turn on/off his HTPC in the living room. This was