Home Lab and Hardware
Tuxedo Aura 15 Review - A Good Linux Laptop
A personal review for the Tuxedo Aura 15 from a long time Linux user and developers perspective
Everything regarding my network infrastructure, gaming devices, laptops, etc.
Home Lab and Hardware
A personal review for the Tuxedo Aura 15 from a long time Linux user and developers perspective
Home Lab and Hardware
When I started my new job at gridscale (01.08.2020) I got a Dell Latitude 5310. Quickly I found out that this machine is not suiting me well and I want to share my experience. Main workflow This is not about bashing the Dell Latitude 5310. It might be
Home Lab and Hardware
I needed an HBA for my NAS. Did some research twice (did this a year or two ago already) and forgot everything. HBA stands for Host Bus Adapter and is used to connect SATA or SAS drives via the HBA to the motherboard via the PCIe slot. Here is what
Today I learned
I have a few USB thumb drives in my drawer and never remember what each of them does. One was a Windows 10 installation medium, the other was Ubuntu Desktop, and so on. Mostly I will download a new ISO and just flash it again. But that time stops now
Home Lab and Hardware
Switch the original fans with Noctua and you get an almost silent switch.
Home Lab and Hardware
A few weeks back I got myself a nice MikroTikSwitch. I really like the CRS328-24P-4S+RM [https://mikrotik.com/product/CRS326-24G-2SplusRM] which is in use for a few months now. I thought their APs could be a good addition to my network as well. I can not use my FritzBox
Home Automation
After 7 long months of waiting, I finally got my Home Assistant Blue. It is basically an Odroid N2+ with 128 GB EMC, Power Cable and a really nice looking case. I mean look at this, doesn't it look just great? Home Assistant Blue took apartFor the last
Today I learned
A story of buying headphones and custom earbuds for sports while overthinking every aspect ? Some context Headphones are a really personal and subjective thing. Audio in general is but I do not want to go the route of audio or Hi-Fi here. Just about the headphone themselves. For whatever reason,