pc-switch version v1.1
Here I show you how I added proper labels to my pc-switch PCB.
A small PCB that allows you to control your PC with Home Assistant powered by ESPHome. Turn on, off, reset, hard shut down your PC, and even see the ON or OFF state in Home Assistant.
Here I show you how I added proper labels to my pc-switch PCB.
I have built a PCB and have documented my process as an absolute beginner in this field. The pc-switch can control your pc power switch, reset switch via Home Assistant and ESPHome.
🚨The PokyPow prelaunch page is live! Sign up there for stock updates at Crowdsupply. A friend recently asked me, if I know a smart home switch that runs 5V and it is pretty small. His use case was to turn on/off his HTPC in the living room. This was