Why is Ubuntu using WiFi when I use a dongle with ethernet?
How to set priorities for ethernet and WiFi connections in Ubuntu 20.04.
Today I learned is just a collection of random things I needed to solve and do not want to forget anymore. Kind of a knowledgebase for myself.
How to set priorities for ethernet and WiFi connections in Ubuntu 20.04.
Today I learned
You will learn how to manage a lot of browser tabs the easy way and find everything in a breeze!
Today I learned
How to configure you .gitconfig to use different accounts for several git servers.
Today I learned
Fix windows lowering the game volume when using steam voice chat.
Today I learned
Fix the time offset when dual-booting Linux and Windows.
Today I learned
I always forget how to pipe stderr to stdout. Especially when going through docker logs I need this all the time. docker logs nginx 2>&1 | grep "127." Now I have written this down and I hope I do not to forget this anymore. If so
Today I learned
I have a few USB thumb drives in my drawer and never remember what each of them does. One was a Windows 10 installation medium, the other was Ubuntu Desktop, and so on. Mostly I will download a new ISO and just flash it again. But that time stops now
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Setup GitHub CLI auto-completion with Oh-My-Zsh on Linux
Today I learned
I often needed to copy the full path from a file or folder when I was somewhere deep in the file system. I always run pwd to get the current directory path, copied the string, pasted it somewhere, and then add the file or folder name behind. This was kind
Today I learned
Today I learned to restore a snapshot with timeshift on a LUKS and LVM installation of Ubuntu.
Today I learned
Show only journal logs from last
Today I learned
A story of buying headphones and custom earbuds for sports while overthinking every aspect ? Some context Headphones are a really personal and subjective thing. Audio in general is but I do not want to go the route of audio or Hi-Fi here. Just about the headphone themselves. For whatever reason,