pc-switch renamed to PokyPow and other small updates

Hey nerds 👋
I am working with Crowdsupply on a couple of things, including the campaign's landing page. I hope I can make it public soon. Send them some prototypes and they took very nice product photos. And a couple of administration things.
While working on these things, we figured, we needed a better name. Have you tried searching for "pc-switch" on the internet?

You will never ever give get the right result. It is so generic, that people will never be able to find it.
After some back and forth I came up with the name of PokyPow - Poke the board in and power your server. Is it the best name ever? I doubt it. But I kind of like it. No overthinking here 😉
I also updated the GitHub repository with the version I have been using at home for the last couple of weeks. For the people who use the original pc-switch I created a branch with the old config so nothing is lost.
Since I am a nerd and maker with too many ideas and even more domains, I had to buy the domain pokypow.com as well. It is currently redirecting to this blog with all posts related to this project. Let's see what I will do with this in the future.
That is it for now. Hope I can give you more updates soon. I can make a more or less fun post about how I am using my PokyPow right now. It is a super fun button I always wanted to have and easy to DYI at home. One of these 😉

Have a great day!